Choosing the right food for your dog
Lots of research has been carried out on the effects of dog food on our four legged friends behaviour and health.
There are so many different foods available out there so we thought we would give you help with choosing the right food for your dog.
All dogs are different
What makes one dog thrive may cause health and behaviour issues in another. Also, the amount to feed, varies greatly.
Many dog owners think that neutering makes their dog put on weight
This is true to a degree, but it is because a dog’s metabolism changes after being neutered. We tend to carry on feeding the same amount and type of food as before their operations, but truth is, their dietary requirements change.
Our dogs love the widely available commercial foods out there, but they are not always right for them. Foods that have bright colours in them are simply foods with too many additives, they look attractive to the buyer and are tasty for the dog, but they are actually responsible for a lot of health and behaviour problems in our dogs. Think about a child’s behaviour after eating too many sweets?!
We realise that cost is often an issue but often, the cheaper dog foods have to be fed in greater quantities because the nutritional value is lower. Feeding a more expensive higher quality food can be just as cost effective as our dogs need less of it.
Also, lifestyle and breed are major factors when choosing the right diet for your dog. One of the most important things we need to remember is we are ultimately responsible for our dog’s nutrition.