Stress Behaviour in Dogs
Stressed or acting the fool – Can you spot Stress Behaviour in your dog?
There is a fine line between behaviours your dog displays that make you think he is fooling around and behaviours he is displaying as a result of stress. Here are some common signs of stress behaviour in dogs that often are misunderstood.
Tail chasing
A lot of dog owners think this is funny. In fact it is a sign that at some point your dog has used tail chasing as a way of coping in a stressful situation. He remembers that in that situation, chasing his tail made him feel better, so he repeats it.
Shadow or light chasing
As with tail chasing, this is a stress response, and all too often, dog owners think it is funny so they encourage it.
Inability to concentrate
Very often, people think that hyperactive behaviour is a dog simply acting the fool. This happens most often in a training class or busy environment. Again, the dog might just be using this as a way to cope with the stress of these situations.
There are more examples of stress behaviour in dogs that our canine companions will sometimes display. If you are experiencing any of the above or you think your dog may be stressed please contact the surgery.